and also
4 pieces of costumes/sculptures created for the choreographic piece Tiger Balm.
A piece was purchased by the Museum of Capitalism in 2020 for the traveling exhibition.

Anne -Sophie Guillet ©
Composition: Charbon de coco, charbon de bois, petit boulet de charbon, colle, soie, poudre de charbon.
Création réalisée dans le cadre de la pièce Tiger Balm.
6 pieces, theater costumes
Order to create costumes for the company TDP (Théâtre De Personne) for the play Ce ce ce qu’il reste de nous ½, after Electra by Euripides.
These costumes develop the symbolic notion of the totem animal which represents each character in the play. This mix of metaphors in a contemporary clothing line offers an additional reading to the piece through the work of different materials. These characters from an ancient story are placed in present time.
Synopsis of the play:
A year ago, Agamemnon was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra in the Municipal Theater of Argos. Commemorations are taking place today. Today, it has been a year since an organization prepared the overthrow of Queen Clytemnestra.
Today we must revolt.
- January 2018, Berthelot theater, Paris.
Productions: Curry Vavart, Théâtre Berthelot Jean Guérin
Trou noir
The technique of wear is used as a principle of sculpture and both as a subject.
This sculpture is made up of a mass of paper forming a monolith. In the center, a landscape is carved out through the layers of leaves. This relief can be seen either in micro, by looking in the details, or in macro as a whole by the principle of accumulation of sheets of paper and its base. Its monolithic appearance contrasts with the infra-bass work emerging from the base. This vibration causes a slight tremor of the leaflet. This monolith, at first glance inert, becomes organic matter and a source of projection in its detail.
The white sheet becomes a support for narration and landscape through wear and the layers created in its center.
Sculpture en papier 90g, socle en bois 29,7 x 42cm
Pièce présentée pour le master Art dans l'espace public (AESP) à l'Académie Royale des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles (ArBA-ESA)